Web Development & Digital Marketing Agency Blog

10 Effective Types Of Email Marketing Part 1 of 2

Written by Logan Cid | Apr 8, 2022 12:00:00 AM

Lets talk about the types of email marketing. Putting together an email marketing plan can be a challenging task for small businesses. Most times they don’t have the time to plan for anything more than announcements and promos.

To keep your subscribers engaged, you will need a lot more than that. Your emails should be something that they will look forward to reading. This way they will keep your business in mind even if they’re not yet ready to buy now.

Let’s put this another way, you shouldn’t send out the same types of emails consistently. In this guide, we list the different types of email marketing campaigns. That you can send out to keep your subscribers engaged and ultimately drive sales up.

10 Effective Types Of Email Marketing

There are two types of emails that you’re going to send out:

  • Engagement emails
  • Transactional emails

The engagement emails are more about telling a story. while transactional emails are directly connected to making a sale and closing the sale.

Occasionally, an engagement email might have a transactional element. Remember that as you go through our list of the different types of emails we have organized below.

Part 1: The Engagement Emails

The purpose of this type of email is more for branding and telling a story, rather than just making a sale. Keep subscribers engaged and interested with the brand, even if they aren’t in a buying frame of mind.

When subscribers are ready to make a purchase or when your business has an exclusive special offer. Subscribers will have an active relationship with you already. No matter if they’ve made a purchase before or not.

Be creative with these emails. Occasionally, extra visuals and embedding links to the audio and video can work well.

Below are the various types of engagement emails that we recommend:

1. Welcome Emails

This is the very first email your subscribers will receive after they have confirmed their email address. The first interaction with your brand in their inbox should be memorable and worth their while. When all is said and done, subscribers are more likely to open welcome emails when compared to other types of promotional emails.

The welcome email should make your brand’s message clear. New subscribers can learn about your brand’s story, get a free trial of your product, or look for a store location near them.

The welcome email is high in engagement, so it also works well as a transactional email. For this reason, it’s a great idea for welcome emails to offer discounts and/or free shipping to new subscribers.

2. Tutorials and Tips Emails

You should send out instructional and educational emails that help subscribers in such a way that it’s relevant to your business. These typically come in the form of “How-To-Do” tutorials and tips. They can be easy and simple or in-depth and more complicated. This depends on what your products do and what your subscriber needs to know.

These types of emails are a great way for your subscribers to get familiar with your products and/or services. This can be useful when it’s unclear on how your business can help them solve an issue.

When you teach them something new, it can assist them in making quick positive changes in their lives. They can also associate with your brand.

3. Customer Stories

These stories are generated from studying your customers and interviewing them later down the road.
These stories can be about:

  • Their success with your product and/or service
  • Their own personal stories
  • Tips for other customers like them
  • Pictures or video they’ve taken

When these stories come from other customers, it can build a sense of community. Subscribers identify with other buyers, by sharing their interests and experiences.

Sharing customer stories on your blog can increase content engagement. Try applying this concept to your email campaigns. Subscribers will be looking forward to your emails in the future and will continue to open them.

4. Brand Stories

These stories will come from you or your team. These work best if there’s a powerful personal story behind your brand. This will give your subscribers multiple ways to distinguish your brand.

Your brand stories can have other positive influence as well. Customers who are shown a brand’s story are more likely to outline the brand as positive and pay more for their product or service.

You don’t necessarily need an origin story that Hollywood would produce to capture people’s attention. The story of how your product is made, the story behind specific business decisions. Can also assist in giving your subscribers something engaging to look at and relate to.

5. Re-engagement Emails

Some of your subscribers won’t be as engaged as others, this could be due to their level of interest that was low to begin with. Maybe it’s been a while since your latest update or they’re just flat out not that interested in your emails. Whatever the reason behind their low level of engagement, it’s important for you to urge them to re-engage with your brand.

Remember that re-engagement email campaigns are designed to win back customers that are inactive or uninterested.

There are two major types of re-engagement emails that work very well.
They are:

  • An email with “We miss you” or “Please come back” in the subject line
  • An email with a dollar-off amount in the subject line

Part 2

If you or your business is in need of Email Marketing Services, don’t hesitate to fill out the form below and we will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.