Web Development & Digital Marketing Agency Blog

10 tips to improve your website SEO

Written by Logan Cid | Jul 17, 2021 4:43:00 PM

When you optimize your website for search engines, also called website SEO, it means that you are constantly working with your website to show up as high as possible in search results on Google. You can accomplish this by, for example, working with the right keywords (words that your customers are looking for), optimizing your website with custom content and much more that we will review in this post. Most importantly, however, is that you get started. Search optimization is a continuous work and, in other words, is not something that you are ever completely done with. It’s a constant process, but well worth the effort! So start working with your website’s content today and plan how to win over your competitors’ rankings on search engines!

1. Think through your domain name

Your domain name is important, very important even! Because the search engines will use your domain name to interpret and understand what your website is about. Therefore, it is important to choose a name carefully. But what is actually a good domain name? Well, the name should clearly explain what your business is doing. Instead of using a cool company name, which does not say much about the industry you are working in, try to include a keyword or description of what you are dealing with in the domain name.
Do you run a company with a name that is revealed or does not explain what the company is doing? It does not mean that you can not optimize it. For example, you can purchase a domain name that clearly describes what you do, but then pointing to your real website.

2. Find and choose the right keywords

When your potential customers search the web, no matter what, they will probably start searching on Google. For what words do they search for if they are interested in your industry? These are the words you need to find and connect to your business. Try to think like your visitors when you implement your keywords. Sit down and list the terms, phrases and main words that you use to describe your business. For example, if you run a hotel, your keywords may be “room”, “lodging”, “overnight” and so on. It is crucial that you both use and identify the keywords your target audience uses. Also, consider using single and multiple words or whole sentences.
We also recommend testing Google Adwords Keyword Planner to get more keyword ideas (you need an Adwords account but the service is free). Keyword Planner gives you an idea of how many searches occur each month for a keyword or phrase in Google (you can also enter your website address to suggest which keywords are best suited for your business) Here’s how:
Click on “Tools” and select “Keyword Planner”.
Select “search for new keywords and ad group suggestions”.
Enter the keywords you want to investigate.
Click on “download suggestions”.
And then you have lots of suggestions on your original keyword! However, try not to use more keywords than necessary. Too many keywords can be confusing to both the searcher and Google. Focus on the most prioritized keywords, how they categorize you can see in the keyword planner.

3. Watch your competitors

What are your competitors doing? What keywords do they use? Are there any keywords that you can use as the big companies do not use? Visit your competitors and compare their websites with your own. What content do they have? Carefully study your biggest competitors and analyze their success concepts!

4. Customize your content

Begin by reviewing all the content on your website like texts, headlines, videos, and pictures. Do you use captions and descriptions that contain your keywords? Have you written alt texts to describe all images and what they show as opposed to “image1”? Good! You’re on track!
Think like this: The content on your website determines where and for whom the page is displayed, so what content do you really have? The more keywords you use in your texts, the greater the possibility that “right” visitors will find your website. You can create custom content in lots of ways. Here are some suggestions:
Create a guide for how your customers use your product and review what a customer would have done.
Do you have an FAQ? (frequently asked questions), if not, create one! Summarize the most frequently asked questions you usually get from your customers in an FAQ on your website.

5. Keep your website updated

Google likes updated, up-to-date websites. After all, Google values your website according to how new your content is. Also, note that Google not only values the text content but also updates your photos, videos, and designs. If you keep your website updated, Google will rank you higher!

6. Organize your links

To show Google that your website is serious and popular in your industry, you need links from other websites. It also gives you the chance to end up higher than your competitors in search results. Change links with other companies, bloggers, partners by starting new collaborations with them. It’s a win-win and it costs nothing to ask. However, focus on quality rather than quantity when it comes to links, referred to as backlinks in SEO context. You want to make sure that the backlinks you get come from websites that are relevant and related to your business. The stronger the links – the better ranking in the search engines!
For example: Let’s say you sell beauty items. Contact any fashion or beauty blogger and review if you can work together. Maybe they want to write a review about your products? In this way, you get an incoming link from a relevant and credible source.

7. Use social media

Creating content that no one sees is right meaningless. You want to be seen, right? Then social media is the perfect tool! Use all of your channels to promote the content of your website and attract more readers. Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all channels that can promote your SEO. Link your social media from your website with icons, and vice versa. The more commitment you create – the better the location on Google!

8. Be mobile-friendly – use responsive design

The importance of user-friendliness on websites is great today, and Google obviously wants to direct visitors to websites that work well for mobile users. The more mobile your website is, the more Google will like you and rank you higher than those competitors who lack mobile content.

9. Create a blog

Creating a blog is good for both you who sell services or goods. On the blog, you can publish company news, product news and other content relevant to your industry. The advantage of a blog is link-based, for example, you can post posts where you link to other websites, maybe they link back to you too?

10. Use page titles

Your page titles are a small but very important part of the website because it controls both how high the pages are in search engine hit lists and if your visitors can orientate themselves to the website. If you have ever googled, there is a great chance that you have read a page title without thinking about it. You can see your page titles here:
When you google, a text appears above your URL.
In the browser’s windows, as bookmarks, and as labels when there are more windows open at the same time.
In shared posts on social media.
It’s important that your site title is interesting, direct and concise. A good title will quickly give your visitors (and search engines) an idea of what your website is about. Therefore, use more specific names in your page titles (headings in the menu). For example, it is better to use “window repair” as it becomes more direct than using “services” that can be seen as broad and general. Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your page titles:
Your page title should not be too long as it may be “cut off”.
Try to start the sentence with your most important keyword. The first word in the title is appreciated by Google.
Make a brief but simple description of what your website is about.
Do not use the same page title on several pages, but create a unique title for each page, otherwise, the search engines (and visitors) may be confused over the title that leads to different pages.