Web Development & Digital Marketing Agency Blog

7 Benefits of Having A Website For Small Businesses

Written by Logan Cid | Apr 7, 2022 12:00:00 AM

The digital age has created impressive ways for small businesses to keep ahead of the curve and compete with bigger businesses. It all starts with a simple, yet effective small business website.

If you have debated whether a small business website is a good decision or not, now is the best time to break through the inertia of inaction. We hope to help you overcome your reluctance and assist you in positioning your small business for success.

Below are 7 benefits of having a website for small businesses.

1. Credibility For Your Business

In 2015 a study reported that 84% of customers believe. That small businesses with websites are more credible than ones without an online presence. Taking it a step further now the study also came to the conclusion. That 65% of customers believe a company branded email to be more credible than a generic email account, for example, Yahoo mail, Gmail, or Outlook mail.

In 2015 a study reported that 84% of customers believe. That small businesses that have websites are more credible than ones without an online presence. Taking it a step further now the study also came to the conclusion. That 65% of customers believe a company branded email to be more credible than a generic email account, for example, Yahoo mail, Gmail, or Outlook mail.

To remain credible and relevant, small businesses nowadays must invest in a website. Look at it this way, if your competition has websites and your business doesn’t, who do you think appears more credible?

2. Discovery Of Your Business

The same study also reported that 9 out of 10 customers rely on the internet to locate local goods and services. Understanding those numbers and the online habits of customers make it difficult. To understand why 46% of small businesses don’t have a website. But for the remaining 54% that have developed their business website. They benefit from that advantage when considering discoverability.

In 2015 survey, it was found that 59% of very small businesses (consisting of 1 to 5 people) do not have websites. Out of those, 12% have Facebook pages.

In addition, the same survey found that 83% of the businesses surveyed that have websites said:

Their online platforms gave them a more competitive advantage over businesses without websites.”

Over 3.5 billion Google searches occur each day, your customers could be seconds away from locating your small business. Business websites allow possible customers to access your business and find out about your products and services 24 hours a day – 7 days a week.

3. Make your business relatable

The ability to relate to a defined audience and building relationships. Is a game-changing benefit of creating a small business website. Use your site to tell a story about you and your business. It all begins with the relationship.

Understanding your audience’s needs and how your product or service could benefit their lives. Continues to strengthen the relationship.

Using your site to earn and keep a customer is the ultimate achievement. And the result of successfully relating to the customer and serving their needs.

Customers are more likely to visit your site to learn more about your business than they are to call. Responding to emails and social media comments is an amazing way to build trust and personalize your small business experience.

4. Being Flexible

Your business may have a need for printed advertising materials. These items can be costly, especially when they need to be kept up-to-date. In today’s world customers expect to see new marketing campaigns and information on a regular basis. Small business websites provide demographic information, business hours, services offered. And pricing to be altered at any time for no cost.

Your business may have a need for printed advertising materials. These items can be costly, especially when they need to be kept up-to-date. In today’s world customers expect to see new marketing campaigns and information on a regular basis. Small business websites provide demographic information, business hours, services offered. And pricing to be altered at any time for no cost.

Simple to use website platforms, such as WordPress, are user-friendly even from mobile devices. Possessing the flexibility to keep your audience informed. Promotes strong relationships and keeps your customers coming back.

5. Sales Tool

A small business website has many goals, the main objectives are:

  • To inform
  • To engage
  • To convert

The most powerful ways to use a business website is to:

  • Provide high-quality information
  • Learn about who your audience is
  • What they want
  • Create a sales funnel that walks them through the sales process

Small business websites allow the automation of the sales process, and the sales to be converted at a higher rate than traditional sales methods.

6. Expanding your market

Maybe your business began catering to a local community. Perhaps your business is a warehouse-style business that would like to expand into a bigger market. The capability to expand the market of a small business is one of the most profitable benefits of creating a small business website.

If you make your products or services available across different time zones and maybe even across the world. It can grow your business and revenue rapidly, regardless of their geological locations. The people who visit your site are there because they are interested in what your business offers. Take advantage!

7. Analytics

Unless you ask each customer who comes through the door how they found you. You won’t know the origin of your customers or which marketing campaigns worked. Using your site as a marketing and analytics tool will provide real-time data about the following subjects:

  • Demographics of website visitors
  • How visitors found your site
  • The number of monthly-weekly-daily visitors to your site
  • Which site pages are the most visited
  • The number of pages visitors click on per visit
  • How much time they spend on each page
  • How frequently visitors return to your website

More in-depth analytics data will be available. Depending on if your site is utilizing pay per click advertising or marketing software.

The Conclusion

The days of people pulling out the Yellow Pages to find your business are long gone and they won’t be coming back. Having a site for your business is a “Must Have” and not just a “Nice To Have” component of being in business. Not having a website puts your company at a disadvantage.

If you have a website but are not receiving one or more of these 7 benefits, it may be the time for a web presence assessment. This is were MainStreet Design comes in. Fill out our form below for your free 1-hour consultation.